How do I use My Dashboard in the library catalogue?

Your OpenAthens account auto-generates a MyEBSCO account in the library catalogue which allows you to use the Dashboard.


Use My Dashboard to create projects, save items from the library catalogue, save your previous searches, view articles you have previously viewed and view your digital holds and checkouts.

  • Click Overview in the column on the left to see your most recently created projects, bookmarked (saved) articles, searches, and items you have viewed.


  • Click Projects to view all of the projects you have created or to create a new one.

    Dashboard Projects screen

  • Click Saved items to view all of your bookmarked articles, eBooks, etc. in EDS or Explora.

    Dashboard Saved Items view

    From the Saved items view, you can remove bookmarks, add them to a Projects, share links to your items, or download .csv files of your bookmarked items detailed information.


  • Click Searches to view the searches you previously ran. Click a search term to re-run the search. 

    Dashboard searches view

  • Click Viewed to see a list of articles and eBooks you previously viewed. Click the title to return to the details of the article or eBook.

    Dashboard Viewed Items view

  • Click Holds & checkouts to view a list of EBSCO eBooks you have checked out. Click on a title to view the detailed record for an eBook and download or read the title while online.

    Holds & Checkouts screen in My Dashboard

    The Checked out indicator displays when your checkout for an eBook expires.

  • Last Updated Apr 09, 2024
  • Views 23
  • Answered By Linda White

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