How do I sign in using multi-factor authentication (MFA)?

Signing in to your Keyano Account using MFA will vary depending on the authentication method you have set up in your preferences. If you haven't set up your authentication preferences, please see How do I set up my multi-factor authentication (MFA)?


When logging in to your Keyano account, after putting in your password, there will be an additional prompt to verify your account. This is the two-step authentication process. Follow the on-screen prompts using the multi-factor authentication (MFA) that was set up in your preferences. 

Step 1. Enter your Keyano email.

Step 2. Enter your password

Step 3.  Approve the sign in request.

       Microsoft Authenticator App example:                    Text Message Authentication example:

image of Microsoft authenticator app prompt        Image of text verification prompt

Step 4. After successfully verifying your login you will be redirected to the online resource.

More information about your Keyano Account and Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)


* the library has MFA devices for lending if you prefer to use a college device or if you do not own a phone.

  • Last Updated Apr 09, 2024
  • Views 60
  • Answered By Linda White

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