How do I switch out of S mode?



In order to download software outside of the Microsoft store, you may need to switch your computer out of S mode. To see more about S mode, please see What is Microsoft's S mode?

Instructions to switch out of S mode:

  1. Open settings > update & security > activation.
  2. Find the 'Switch to Windows 10 (11) Home' section.
  3. Select the 'Go the Store' link. A page should appear in the Microsoft Store stating 'Switch out of S mode' (or something similar).
  4. Select the 'Get' button.
  5. You can now download software outside of the Microsoft store.

If you require further assistance, please make an appointment with the Technology & Online Learning Librarian

  • Last Updated Dec 01, 2022
  • Views 26
  • Answered By Linda White

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