How do I find an item from the library catalogue on the shelf?


All print or paper copies of books in the library are assigned a call number, usually found on the book spine. The call number represents that specific book and acts like the book's address on the library's shelves. Because books on the shelves are arranged in call number order, you will find books on similar subjects shelved near each other.

Spine label example

After you find an item in the library catalogue, record the call number, go to the collection in the library, and locate the item on the shelf.

The library has three types of call numbers for the collections and your call number will look similar to one of these examples. Find the type of book you are looking for based on the call number and follow the instructions included.

1. If your call number looks like this (Library of Congress):

Library of Congress call number example


The book will be located in the Academic Collection, ESL Collection, Video Collection or the Graphic Novel Collection.
To find your book:

  • Start with finding the first letter of your call number. There signs on the shelves to help you locate the correct section.
  • Once you are in the correct letter area (in this example, QA), the books are in number order.
  • The books also include the year of publication. In this example it is 2011 and this can help you find the right edition, if there is more than one.
  • ESL books will have an ESL at the end of of the call number, graphic novels will have a GN at the end of the call number.

         ESL call number example          graphic novel call number example      

2. If your call number looks like this (Dewey):


The book will be located in the Non-fiction Picturebook/Non-fiction Juvenile Collection or the Curriculum Collection (Teacher Resources). The Curriculum call number will have a TR at the end of the number.

To find your book:

  • Start with finding the first three numbers of your call number. There signs on the shelves to help you locate the correct section and books are organized in ascending numerical order from 000-999.
  • Next find the set of numbers listed after the decimal.
  • After the number sequence, a letter sequence is read alphabetically. Find the three letters after the number sequence.

3. If your call number looks like this (3 sets of letters and a year):

Picture book call number example

The book will be located in the Picturebook Collection, Juvenile Collection, or Young Adult Collection.
To find your book:

  • Start with the first set of letters as this will tell you where in the Library your book will be located: 
    • PIC is the Picturebook Collection.
    • JUV is the Juvenile Collection.
    • YA is the Young Adult Collection.
  • Next find the second set of letters, which are shelved alphabetically (PAL in the example)
  • Next find the third set of letters, also shelved alphabetically (WER in the example)
  • If needed, find the year.

The format for the Adult Fiction (Paperback) Collection is similar to the format of example #3, except there is one set of letters and a year. These books can be found using the same instructions in #3.


What do I do if the book is not on the shelf?

  • Look a few books to the left and a few books to the right.  Sometimes people put books back in the wrong order.
  • If you are unable to find your book, come see us the Library Information Desk! The item may be waiting to be shelved, checked out, or even missing. A library staff member may be able to help you locate the item. 
  • Last Updated Jul 12, 2023
  • Views 72
  • Answered By Linda White

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