What is my library username?

This is the username you use to access your My Library Account. To log in to OpenAthens, you will need your Keyano email and password.


Your library username/barcode is your library card number, which is the entire number listed on the back of you Keyano ID card. If you do not have a physical ID card, you can easily create your library card number using the following information:

Keyano Students:

Your library card number is 24917000 + the 6 Digits of your Keyano ID.

Your Username (barcode) is: 24917000XXXXXX  
Your PIN: Use your student email (@keyanomail.ca) and your Username (barcode) to generate your 4-digit PIN online.

Keyano Staff/Faculty/Admin:

Your library card number is 2491700000 + the 4 Digits of your Keyano ID (2491700000XXXX). 

Your Username (barcode) is: 2491700000XXXX
Your PIN: Use your employee email (@keyano.ca) and your Username (barcode) to generate your 4-digit PIN online.

The username you use to access library materials online is different than the username you use to login into other Keyano resources (keyanomail, Moodle, etc.). 

For more information about your library account, please see our My Library Account web page or contact the Library.


ID card image frontID card image back

                 (front)                                              (back)


  • Last Updated Aug 01, 2023
  • Views 711
  • Answered By Linda White

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