How can I filter my search results in the library catalogue?


The Library Catalogue allows you to search for books, articles, videos, journals, videos, and eBooks, including items from the NEOS Catalogue, which allows you to search and borrow items from 18 library systems across Alberta. The library catalogue is an easy all-in-one way to begin your research and using limiters to narrow search results can make finding the resources you need much easier. 

Search example:

  1. An initial keyword search for "Fort McMurray" has over 199,000 results.

    search results number

  2.  Using the All filters option located under the search box can be used to focus the results received. (See the limiter facet descriptions below)

    all filters example
  3. Using the "Full-text" option and "Available in Library Collection" limiters the results are narrowed to just over 55,000 results. This is the total number of resources available in the NEOS catalogue.

    example of results


You can narrow these results even further by using limiters such as source type, date of publication, geography, and language.

Consider using the "Advanced Search" option to use Boolean Operators (AND, OR, NOT) or search by subject term (e.g. nursing, mathematics, history).


Limiter Descriptions

List of catalogue limiters and descriptions








  • Last Updated Feb 06, 2023
  • Views 77
  • Answered By Kathleen Brennan

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