Why is my library account showing as "blocked"?
If your library account has fines that exceed $50, your library account status will change to "Blocked" and you will be unable to borrow library resources.
Email askthelibrary@keyano.ca to confirm the amount of fines on your account.
- For Keyano College Library items, all fines will be waived when the item(s) have been returned in good condition. For lost or damaged items, the current replacement value must be paid to return the account to good standing.
- For items borrowed from a NEOS Library, you must contact the owning library to determine your fine payment and/or fine reductions. Contact information for NEOS Libraries.
- For items borrowed from other libraries outside of NEOS, please email circulation.services@keyano.ca to get contact information for the lending library.
Please Note: Keyano College students may have a Financial Hold placed on their student account when items are considered lost and have reached 31 days past due. The Financial Hold will be removed when the items have been returned, or the replacement cost of the items has been paid.