How do I merge my EBSCO accounts?

The EBSCO Merge Accounts feature allows you to merge account information (saved articles, searches, alerts, videos, etc.) from one Personal User Account into another. Once your accounts are merged, the account that contained the data that was merged into the target account is removed and no longer exists on the service.


1. Log into EBSCOhost/EDS with the Personal User folder account to which you would like to merge another account.

2. Click the Update My Account link in the top toolbar. Note: For security purposes, you will be required to sign in again.

3.Click the Get Started button for the EBSCO Merge Accounts option.

4. Click the Sign in to your second account button with the credentials for the account that has the data you wish to merge into the account you have already logged into.

5. Enter the User ID/Password for the second Personal User account or click the Sign in with Google button to sign in with your Google account.

Note: If you sign in with your Google account, make sure that this is the account under which you already have saved articles, searches, books, etc. Do not unintentionally create a new account that has no previously stored items.

6. Confirm the accounts you are merging are correct and click the Merge Account Data button.

7. Click Continue to confirm you wish to continue with the merge of your accounts.

Note: Once you click to merge accounts, this action cannot be undone.

Note: If your account is associated with a deliverable email address you will receive an email when your accounts have been successfully merged.

If no email address is associated with your account, you receive a message confirming that your request has been accepted and your content will be available in the target account shortly.


Accounts cannot be merged at this time

The following conditions will prevent you from merging your accounts until they are resolved.

  • The account you are merging has pending or existing Continuing Medical Education credits.

  • The account you are merging has an eBook or Audiobook checked out. You will need to check in any checked out eBook or Audiobook titles in order to merge your accounts.

Merge Account Alert

The following conditions will not prevent you from merging your accounts, but you may want to be aware that they may cause some items to not be merged into the target folder.

  • The folders being merged were created while logged into different institutional accounts. Because available content may differ between institutions, only the content in the folder to be merged that is available from the institution through which the target account was created will be merged.

  • The account to be merged has a role assigned to it, such as a Nursing Reference Center Plus administrator role used to create and edit notes on articles. If you continue to merge this account into the target account, that role will not be carried over.

  • The account to be merged has active holds on EBSCO eBooks or Audiobooks. You can continue merging the accounts, but those holds will be deleted and not merged to the target account.


  • Last Updated Apr 09, 2024
  • Views 70
  • Answered By Linda White

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