How do I split my screen to view multiple applications?



Splitting your screen allows you to view more than one application at a time on one screen. There are two ways to do this. You can "snap" the window in to place or you can use your keyboard (using the Microsoft key and arrows)

To be able to snap the windows, you will need to make sure your settings are set properly.

Snap Settings:

1. Open Start Menu and select Settings

2. Enter multitasking in the Windows Settings search box. Select Multitasking settings.

3. Under Work with multiple windows. Select Snap windows on and choose options.

4. Close Settings

Using Snap to Split Your Screen 

1. Open the applications you want to add to the split view. For this example we will use Word and Excel.

2. To snap the window: drag the window to the edge of your computer screen. You will see the outline of where the window will appear. Release the first window and it will snap in to position.


3. When the first window snaps in to place your options for the second window will appear. Select the program you want to place in the split screen.


4. You should now have both of the selected programs on one screen.

Using Your Keyboard to Split Your Screen

1. Open the applications you want to add to the split view. For this example we will use Google Chrome and the Library catalogue.

keyano library catalogue search box

2. On your keyboard press and hold the Windows buttons and use the keyboard arrows will control the window split.

3. Place the computer curser on the first program. Press and hold the Microsoft key and use the left arrow to split the first program to the left.









4. Place the computer curser on the second program and use the right arrow to split the second program to the right.

one computer screen showing 2 windows

5. You should now have both of the selected programs on one screen.


  • Last Updated Mar 30, 2023
  • Views 38
  • Answered By Linda White

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