How can I download and install Respondus Lockdown Browser onto my computer?


Keyano College provides a free licensed version of the Respondus Lockdown Browser for all Keyano students.  

Respondus software can only be downloaded onto Macbook and Microsoft computers and cannot be downloaded onto Chromebooks. 

Link to the Respondus Lockdown Browser download page 

*If your course requires Respondus Lockdown Browser you must download the software onto your computer before your quiz or exam.  


How to download Respondus: 

  1. Click on the “INSTALL NOW” button. 

  1. The software will be downloaded onto your computer. 

  1. Click on the downloaded file (the set-up process may open on your computer, in this case follow the set-up process). 


If you require assistance with downloading and installing Respondus, please book an appointment with the Technology & Online Learning Librarian 


  • Last Updated Nov 01, 2022
  • Views 135
  • Answered By Linda White

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