How do send an email to a classmate in Moodle?


Steps to send an email in Moodle:

  1. Using the link at the top of any Keyano web page, sign in to Moodle using your Keyano email account and password.

    Moodle link

  2. Make sure you are in the correct course.
  3. In the upper left corner of the page, open the menu by clicking the three black lines in the grey box.

    iLearn menu

  4.  Select "Participants". 

    participant tab

  5. Scroll down and click on the person you want to contact.
  6. Click on their email link to contact directly from Moodle, or you can copy and paste the email address into Outlook. 

choose participants screen 


If you require further assistance, please make an appointment with the Technology & Online Learning Librarian

  • Last Updated Dec 01, 2022
  • Views 166
  • Answered By Linda White

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