How do I print from a Keyano desktop computer?

Before you can print or photocopy, you need to have funds available on your student print account (Papercut). To add funds, go to the Keynotes Bookstore or use one of the self-serve pay stations, which are located outside of Keynotes or in the Information Commons. Please contact the Keynotes Bookstore by email or phone at 780-791-4960 for further assistance.


To Print:

  1. Select print on any Keyano College computer and a small "Papercut" pop-up will appear on the screen. 

      Example of the Papercut balance screen

  2. Enter your computer login information and password.
  3. Pick up your printing at the photocopier located by the Library's front doors.

To Photocopy:

  1. Login to the photocopier with your username and password.
    Your username is your firstname.lastname and three numbers (john.smith795).
    Your password is the same one used for Moodle and Keyano Mail.
  2. Instructions for photocopying and scanning to email are located on the wall beside the photocopier.

Please note: To print from personal device to a Keyano printer please see "How do I print from my personal computer?"



  • Last Updated May 11, 2023
  • Views 68
  • Answered By Kathleen Brennan

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